
Why is HTML5 better than Flash?

We communicate more and more mobile, and because Flash cannot meet the mobile demands of modern businesses, it is trailing behind in the rat race. The HTML5 vs Flash debate is disappearing from the global conversation. Where new elements have been added to allow users to manipulate the layout for

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A basic introduction to HTML

If you hire a good SEO company, you may never need to know HTML, which is one of the reasons why many companies choose to opt for web design and SEO firms. referencing first. That said, it can still be helpful to learn a bit at your leisure, and you

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Tackling flash to HTML5 migration

If you are a provider of online learning courses, chances are that you know many design-related elements of those courses are Flash-intensive. This poses as a problem because Adobe Flash has retired. With the increase in demand for mobile learning and the fact that Flash content can’t run on mobile

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Top Developer Questions about HTML5 Answered

1. What is HTML5? To say it in as few words as possible, HTML5 is the last version of the HTML language. HTML stands for Hypertext Markup Language, and is the main tool used to build web pages (although it can be used for offline content as well); it defines

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HTML vs HTML5 vs XHTML: the difference in brief

Some of the most common terms used in web design and development are HTML, HTML5 and XHTML. However, those who are new to the Web often admit having a hard time differentiating between HTML vs HTML5 vs XHTML. In addition, there is often confusion as to which of these languages

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